Flaky Goodness

The Creamiest TextView in the App Store

April 14, 2013

I’m very pleased to announce the launch of my “weekend project” about a year in-the-making. Indigo In is now available on both the App Store and Mac App Store for all of your Macs and other Apple devices, and it’s free. Enjoy.


Figure 1: Indigo In on iPhone

There is no shortage of simple notetaking apps for either Mac or iOS, so I think it’s worth mentioning what makes Indigo In a little different.

First, there is exactly one note. When you launch In you are editing that note. You never have to exit a note, create a new note, delete old notes, organize or tag your notes, etc. This makes for a really nice ubiquitous capture experience.

Launch In, start typing1. If you haven’t yet gotten religion on ubiquitous capture, it’s like the move from Windows to Mac: few who make the switch look back.

Second, the sync. This is why a weekend prototype took a year to hit the App Store. My original vision was simple: one page of notes constantly in sync between my Mac, iPhone and iPad. To make that happen took more than I expected. I might go into the technical details in the future, but for now I will say that I’m pleased with the result. Tap ideas into Indigo In on any of your devices and they will appear on all your other devices within a few seconds.

There are other nice things about Indigo In. The sharing feature (a $1 in-app purchase available only on the iPhone/iPad version of In) is handy for whipping through what you’ve captured and actually doing something with it. If you have a favorite app you’d like as a Share destination please suggest it on Twitter @indigoinapp.

Also, there is no sign-up or sign-in: everything is synced through iCloud, to which your device is probably already connected. That invisible login experience was the reason I stuck with iCloud despite its challenges.

Indigo In is a classic scratch-my-own-itch project and I’m really happy to see it spread its wings. It’s in each of my docks and I use it constantly. I hope you find it useful too.



Try voice-dictation with In. This feels especially Star Trek.